CCCGB Boating Group
Barton Turf Adventure Centre Staithe Road, Barton TurfMembers only - pre-booking essential
Members only - pre-booking essential
5 days tuition. Can be split – Monday & Tuesday for Stage 1 @ £111.00; Thursday & Friday for Stage
Those who have already booked will be offered a place on the next course to run - provisionally scheduled for
OCA members only. Book via OCA Organiser (NB 2020 booking form needed)
Those who have already booked will be offered a place on the next course to run - provisionally scheduled for
We are accepting no more bookings for this course. We will be in contact with those who have booked to
This is a provisional re-arrangement of the course for those booked on the original H1 & H2 courses which have
2 day RYA stage 1 course (spaces available) £111 3 day level 4 + extension course (No spaces) £165 (See